“Stryk is fearless. She takes you down a path you mightn’t want to go on but once there you sit back. Whether making you laugh or Shocking you, the intimacy and humour of her writing will keep you turning the pages.” — Kika Markham
A Writer Attends the Frankfurt Book Fair
Riding the train to the small city of Darmstadt to sleep over with a friend →
A Playwright Crosses the Border into Fiction
By age four, I felt destined for the stage. I was in running dialogue with myself →
Power and Humiliation in the Theatre: Reflections Post-Harvey Weinstein
Me, too. I’m twenty-one, a budding actress fresh out of drama school →
So, You’re Thinking About Becoming an Expat? A Meditation on Distance and the American Theatre
There’s a lot of talk about leaving the country these days →
The Trouble with Lists
Not since the appearance of the McCarthy Lists in Hollywood →
The Block: A Short Meditation on the Dramatic End of a Playwright
I’m not sure what I think of the expression “writer’s block” →
Economics 101: Basic Income, anyone?
How I loved college when I got there at the ripe old-age of twenty-two →
Goodbye from Berlin: A Remembrance of Julie Harris
No one prepares you for how sad life gets. People you love start dying →
Our Caretaker: The Death of Harold Pinter
I almost met Harold Pinter several years ago. An actor I was visiting →
Another Planet: The Berlin Theatertreffen
I bump into my favorite professor from grad school, Marvin Carlson, in the lobby →
Dear Doppelgänger
As someone who harbors a fascination for doubles and doppelgangers →
Amstetten: Notes on a Catastrophe
It is not unusual for homes in Lower Austria, balanced as they were on the edge →
On Theatricality
A few years back I was invited to take part in the launching of a new play →
DeKalb Makes the News
I was born and raised in DeKalb, Illinois, home of barbed wire →